Your due date is approaching and you are probably thinking what to pack in your hospital bag? Usually the hospital supplies the necessities needed for mom and baby. However, bringing along some extra things to keep mom and baby comfy is never a bad idea. As a mom of 4 and now a newborn photographer in Atlanta, Georgia, I have put together a short list of items that you should consider bringing along with you in your hospital bag!
Hospital Bag Ideas For Mom
Toiletries for yourself- after birth it is always nice to be able to shower, wash your hair, put on some comfy clothes and maybe a little lipgloss or makeup. Self care can feel amazing even running off of little to no sleep. The hospital provides a bag of toiletries but it is always nice to bring your own.
Next would be a long charger, being in the hospital bed barely mobile it is nice to be able to have your phone or any device right with you on the bed. I have come to realize that the outlets are usually too far away for a standard charger.
Comfy clothes! This one was a winner for me. A nice comfy robe, super soft pjs, slippers and a nice supportive bra. The hospital does provide gowns and socks for your stay but being able to be in your own items just is the cherry on top while snuggling with your new baby. I also recommend throwing in a pair of flip flops for the shower- because GROSS. Also don’t forget a comfy going home outfit such as leggings or sweats, and a loose top.
A fan, with my last two babies I brought a mini portable fan with me along for my hospital stay. This helps with the hallway noise from the nurses when you are trying to get some rest. Also being able to have the air move a little bit is so helpful.
Ideas For Baby
At the hospital they will have little sleeper shirts for baby, but I always found it beneficial to bring zip up sleepers for baby. The nurses will be in your room plenty of times checking on baby and you want baby to be in outfits that are easy to maneuver. The gowns with the elastic openings at the feet are a great option as well.
Blankets, sometimes the hospital room can be a bit chilly. Having some blankets to swaddle baby in to keep them warm.
A carseat, a nurse will have to do a carseat check to be sure it meets the standards and also to be sure you are properly securing your new baby in the harness. Any local fire station will install your carseat in your car for free!
Lastly, a cute weather appropriate going home outfit!

After you have your baby be sure to book your newborn photography session with me! Your little one will only be tiny for such a short time. Check out my Instagram page for my most recent sessions! Also being sure to have your hospital bag packed a couple weeks before your due date can help you feel prepared as newborns come on their own time and thats one last thing you will need to worry about when the day comes.