Elias’ Sitter Session | Baby Photography Atlanta
Oh sweet Elias, you were such a charm to photograph. He was the smiliest little man ever with his chunky cheeks! If you are looking for a baby photographer in Atlanta, I would love to chat! I am so blessed to be able to document such important milestones for families.

What is a Sitter Milestone Session? | Atlanta Baby Photography
A sitter session, also known as a milestone session is a baby portrait session designed to document important occasions/milestones in your little ones life. Specifically a sitter session is when your little one is able to sit up unassisted this is typically between 5 and 9 months of age. A milestone session at any age between 3 months and 1 year can include tummy time, rolling over, sitting, standing, and walking all within the first year. As your little one gets older, these sessions may take place only once a year on their birthdays. I always stress how important that first year is. Your little one changes so much in such a short period of time.
Your child will value these occasions greatly once they are old enough to realize the importance in them. So it is crucial to capture them on camera. As a parent, you are aware of how quickly time passes and how quickly your baby will grow up. These memories will be cherished by you, your child, and even their children for years to come.

If you are ready to document all of your baby’s first milestones and are looking for a baby photographer in Atlanta, head on over to the contact page so I can set up a time to have a brief consult. You can also follow along on facebook to be the first to know about monthly promotions!